第四十四类 医疗、美容、园艺
第四十四类主要包括由个人或机构向人或动物提供的医疗(包括替代疗法)、卫生和美容服务, 以及与农业、水产养殖、园艺和林业领域相关的服务。 本类尤其包括: ——医院; ——远程医疗服务; ——牙科,验光和心理健康服务; ——医疗诊所服务和由医学实验室提供的、用于诊断和治疗的医学分析服务,例如X光检查和 取血样; ——治疗服务,例如理疗和语言障碍治疗; ——配药咨询和药剂师配药服务; ——血库和人体组织库服务; ——康复中心和疗养院服务; ——饮食营养建议; ——矿泉疗养; ——人工授精和体外授精服务; ——动物养殖; ——动物清洁; ——人体穿孔和文身; ——与园艺有关的服务,例如植物养护、园林景观设计、庭院风景布置、草坪修整; ——与花卉艺术有关的服务,例如插花,花环制作; ——除草,虫害防治服务(为农业、水产养殖业、园艺或林业目的)。 本类尤其不包括: ——虫害防治(为农业、水产养殖业、园艺和林业目的除外)(第三十七类); ——灌溉设备的安装和修理服务(第三十七类); ——救护运输(第三十九类); ——动物屠宰及其标本制作(第四十类); ——树木砍伐和加工(第四十类); ——动物驯养(第四十一类); ——为体育锻炼目的而设的健康俱乐部(第四十一类); ——医学科学研究服务(第四十二类); ——为动物提供膳食(第四十三类); ——养老院(第四十三类); ——殡仪(第四十五类)。编号 | 所属类别 | 商品编号 | 商品/服务名称 | 英文名称 | 备注 |
32780 | 第44类 | 044-2322 | 提供有关饮料的营养信息 | Providing nutritional information about drinks | |
32781 | 第44类 | 044-2323 | 设有拖车的移动洗手间装置的租赁 | Rental of mobile restroom units featuring incorporated tow trailers | |
32782 | 第44类 | 044-2324 | 提供心理咨询和治疗方面的信息 | Providing information in the field of psychological counseling and treatment | |
32783 | 第44类 | 044-2325 | 脱毛蜡 | Depilatory waxing | |
32784 | 第44类 | 044-2326 | 牙科镇静 | Sedation dentistry | |
32785 | 第44类 | 044-2327 | 结肠镜检查服务 | Colonoscopy screening services | |
32786 | 第44类 | 044-2328 | 为医学诊断或治疗而进行睡眠研究 | Conducting sleep studies for medical diagnostic or treatment purposes | |
32787 | 第44类 | 044-2329 | 睫毛嫁接服务 | Eyelash extension services | |
32788 | 第44类 | 044-233 | 维生素疗法 | Vitamin therapy | |
32789 | 第44类 | 044-2330 | 用于诊断或治疗目的的动物遗传试验 | Genetic testing of animals for diagnostic or treatment purposes | On 04-17-2014, this 07-20-2004 entry for “Genetic testing More > |
32790 | 第44类 | 044-2331 | 园艺器具出租 | Rental of gardening implements | |
32791 | 第44类 | 044-2332 | 农具租赁 | Rental of agricultural implements | |
32792 | 第44类 | 044-2334 | 临床医学咨询服务 | Clinical medical practice consultation services | |
32793 | 第44类 | 044-2335 | 多学科、一体化、门诊医疗服务和医疗咨询 | Multi-disciplinary, integrative, outpatient health care delivery and medical consultations | |
32794 | 第44类 | 044-2336 | 对病人进行分类的医疗评估(治疗类选法) | Conducting medical evaluations for patient triage | |
32995 | 第44类 | 044-2357 | 通过指定手段(例如,网络通信系统、电信网络、电话、无线设备等)从远程位置提供实时精神病咨询服务 | Providing real-time psychiatric consultation services from a remote location via {specify | |
32996 | 第44类 | 044-2358 | 通过打蜡,糖化等方式的美容脱毛服务 | Cosmetic hair removal by means of {specify, e.g., waxing, sugaring, etc.} | “Cosmetic services, namely, non-permanent hair removal” is More > |
32997 | 第44类 | 044-236 | 紧急医疗应急服务 | Emergency medical response services | |
32998 | 第44类 | 044-2360 | 提供医学信息给{预期的接受者,例如病人、专业医疗人员等},以{报告中的报告形式,例如心脏病,药物基因相互作用等 | Providing medical information to {indicate intended recipients, e.g., patients, medical pr | Providing medical information is acceptable wording; furth More > |
32999 | 第44类 | 044-2361 | 提供个性化医疗保健和医疗信息的性质{指定类型的医疗或医疗信息} | Providing personalized healthcare and medical information in the nature of {specify type o | Providing healthcare and medical information is acceptable More > |
33000 | 第44类 | 044-2362 | 牙科服务领域的{指定,如牙齿美白,口腔外科,颞下颌关节治疗等} | Dentistry services in the field of {specify, e.g., teeth whitening, oral surgery, TMJ trea | “Dentistry” is an acceptable identification; further speci More > |
33001 | 第44类 | 044-2363 | 便携式厕所租赁 | Rental of portable restrooms | |
33002 | 第44类 | 044-2366 | 残障人士的医疗建议 | Medical advice for individuals with disabilities | |
33003 | 第44类 | 044-2367 | 刮痧疗法服务,即{指定提供治疗服务类型如气功、按摩、推拿等治疗} | Bodywork therapy services, namely, {specify the type of therapy service provided, e.g., cr | “Bodywork therapy” is an acceptable identification; furthe More > |
33004 | 第44类 | 044-2368 | 拥抱治疗服务 | Cuddling therapy services | Cuddling companionship services are in Class 45. |
33005 | 第44类 | 044-2369 | 医疗检查信息服务,包括个人预防性护理所应接受的医疗检查提醒提醒 | Medical screening information services featuring reminder alerts regarding medical examina | |
33006 | 第44类 | 044-237 | 组织标本库服务 | Tissue bank services | 9-11-08 - This service is for the collection and provision More > |
33007 | 第44类 | 044-238 | 美甲沙龙 | Nail care salons | |
33008 | 第44类 | 044-239 | 音乐疗法用于融入社会目的 | Music therapy for social assimilation purposes | |
33009 | 第44类 | 044-240 | 导乐分娩及产后服务,即复有经验的分娩陪伴人,在整个阵痛和分娩过程中为女性及其丈夫或伴侣提供情感和身体支持 | Doula services for birth and postpartum, namely, experienced labor companion who provides | 09-05-2013: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” example. |
33010 | 第44类 | 044-241 | 运动疗法 | Kinesitherapy | |
33011 | 第44类 | 044-244 | 宠物护理服务,即给狗狗洗澡和非药物宠物美容 | Pet care services, namely, dog bathing and non-medicated pet grooming | On 01-01-2017, this 03-01-2006 entry was amended by deleti More > |
33012 | 第44类 | 044-245 | 树木护理服务 | Tree care services | |
33013 | 第44类 | 044-2450 | 心理健康服务 | Mental health services | This entry was transferred from Class 42 to Class 44 due t More > |
33014 | 第44类 | 044-2450 | 树木外科手术 | Tree surgery | This entry was transferred from Class 42 to Class 44 due t More > |
33115 | 第44类 | 044-2451 | 农业灭虫服务 | Vermin exterminating for agriculture | On 06-25-2015, this 01-01-2002 entry was modified in a min More > |
33116 | 第44类 | 044-2452 | 兽医服务 | Veterinary services | This entry was transferred from Class 42 to Class 44 due t More > |
33117 | 第44类 | 044-2453 | 减肥饮食计划与监督 | Weight reduction diet planning and supervision | This entry was transferred from Class 42 to Class 44 due t More > |
33118 | 第44类 | 044-2455 | X射线技师服务 | X-ray technician services | This entry was transferred from Class 42 to Class 44 due t More > |
33119 | 第44类 | 044-2456 | 树木苗圃 | Tree nurseries | This entry was transferred from Class 42 to Class 44 due t More > |
33120 | 第44类 | 044-2457 | 医疗服务 | Medical services | This entry was transferred from Class 42 to Class 44 due t More > |
33121 | 第44类 | 044-2458 | 医疗服务,即体外受精 | Medical services, namely, in vitro fertilization | This entry was transferred from Class 42 to Class 44 due t More > |
33122 | 第44类 | 044-247 | 花园护理服务 | Garden care services | |
33123 | 第44类 | 044-248 | 提供医学影像方面的信息、建议和数据 | Providing information, advice and data on medical imaging | |
33124 | 第44类 | 044-249 | 提供医疗信息、咨询和咨询服务 | Providing medical information, consultancy and advisory services |