第四十四类 医疗、美容、园艺
第四十四类主要包括由个人或机构向人或动物提供的医疗(包括替代疗法)、卫生和美容服务, 以及与农业、水产养殖、园艺和林业领域相关的服务。 本类尤其包括: ——医院; ——远程医疗服务; ——牙科,验光和心理健康服务; ——医疗诊所服务和由医学实验室提供的、用于诊断和治疗的医学分析服务,例如X光检查和 取血样; ——治疗服务,例如理疗和语言障碍治疗; ——配药咨询和药剂师配药服务; ——血库和人体组织库服务; ——康复中心和疗养院服务; ——饮食营养建议; ——矿泉疗养; ——人工授精和体外授精服务; ——动物养殖; ——动物清洁; ——人体穿孔和文身; ——与园艺有关的服务,例如植物养护、园林景观设计、庭院风景布置、草坪修整; ——与花卉艺术有关的服务,例如插花,花环制作; ——除草,虫害防治服务(为农业、水产养殖业、园艺或林业目的)。 本类尤其不包括: ——虫害防治(为农业、水产养殖业、园艺和林业目的除外)(第三十七类); ——灌溉设备的安装和修理服务(第三十七类); ——救护运输(第三十九类); ——动物屠宰及其标本制作(第四十类); ——树木砍伐和加工(第四十类); ——动物驯养(第四十一类); ——为体育锻炼目的而设的健康俱乐部(第四十一类); ——医学科学研究服务(第四十二类); ——为动物提供膳食(第四十三类); ——养老院(第四十三类); ——殡仪(第四十五类)。编号 | 所属类别 | 商品编号 | 商品/服务名称 | 英文名称 | 备注 |
32270 | 第44类 | 044-2211 | 皮肤科服务 | Dermatology services | |
32271 | 第44类 | 044-2214 | � | Health assessment services, namely, providing metabolic assessment profiles (MA | |
32272 | 第44类 | 044-222 | 沙龙服务,即面部护理,美甲和按摩,配备椅子,桌子和水槽配件 | Salon services, namely, facials, manicures and massages that are provided in a trailer out | 09-05-2013: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” example. |
32273 | 第44类 | 044-2226 | � | Providing an internet web site for medical professionals and medical patients featuring in | On 02-17-2011, the 10-8-2009 ID was amended to better clar More > |
32274 | 第44类 | 044-2228 | 头发编织服务 | Hair braiding services | |
32335 | 第44类 | 044-2229 | 美学服务 | Aesthetician services | |
32336 | 第44类 | 044-2230 | {指定例如电话,全球计算机网络,电子手段等提供医疗保健信息} | Providing health care information by {specify, e.g., telephone, global computer networks, | These information services are classified according to sub More > |
32337 | 第44类 | 044-2231 | 健康咨询 | Health counseling | |
32338 | 第44类 | 044-2232 | 通过医疗保健提供者网络以合同为基础提供保健服务 | Health care services offered through a network of health care providers on a contract basi | 01-16-2013: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” example. |
32340 | 第44类 | 044-2233 | 理疗[物理疗法] | Physiotherapy [physical therapy] | |
32343 | 第44类 | 044-2234 | 提供的移动综合牙科护理服务{指示预期用户,例如疗养院,辅助生活设施等} | Mobile comprehensive dental care services provided to {indicate intended users, e.g., nurs | 08-01-2013: Acceptable entry status changed from “A” added More > |
32345 | 第44类 | 044-2235 | 在远程,移动或临时现场位置提供脊椎按摩治疗服务 | Chiropractic services offered in or from a remote, mobile or temporary on-site location | 08-01-2013: Acceptable entry status changed from “A” added More > |
32348 | 第44类 | 044-2236 | 慈善服务,即提供具有{指示特定保健服务,例如健康计划,心理健康咨询,成瘾治疗等}性质的医疗服务} {指定个人或团体,例如无家可归者,退伍军人,残疾人士等} | Charitable services, nam | 09-05-2013: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” exa More > |
32350 | 第44类 | 044-2237 | 通过全球计算机网络提供一个网站,其中包含健康,癌症,癌症康复和生存领域的信息 | Providing a website via a global computer network featuring information in the fields of h | On 02-14-13, this 12-17-09 entry was modified by deleting More > |
32353 | 第44类 | 044-2238 | 提供一个有关健康生活和生活方式健康信息的网站 | Providing a website featuring information regarding healthy living and lifestyle wellness | On 02-14-13, this 08-06-09 entry was modified by deleting More > |
32355 | 第44类 | 044-2239 | 口腔医疗护理服务 | Oral medical care services | Oral Medicine is the specialty of dentistry concerned with More > |
32358 | 第44类 | 044-224 | 通过电话和互联网提供医疗保健信息 | Providing health care information by telephone and the internet | |
32360 | 第44类 | 044-2240 | 牙髓病治疗服务 | Endodontic services | |
32362 | 第44类 | 044-2241 | {表示特定动物,如马,牛等}的育种服务 | Breeding services for {indicate specific animal, e.g., horses, cattle, etc.} | 09-05-2013: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” example. |
32365 | 第44类 | 044-2242 | 整形外科服务 | Orthopedic surgery services | The alternative spelling for orthopedic is orthopaedic. |
32367 | 第44类 | 044-2243 | 整形外科服务 | Orthopaedic surgery services | The alternative spelling for orthopaedic is orthopedic. |
32370 | 第44类 | 044-2244 | {表示团体或个人,例如儿童,退伍军人,看护人等}的舞蹈运动疗法 | Dance movement therapy for {indicate group or individual, e.g., children, veterans, caregi | Dance movement therapy is acceptable wording in Class 44; More > |
32372 | 第44类 | 044-2245 | 用于{指示小组或个人,例如儿童,退伍军人,家庭护理员等的音乐疗法} | Music therapy for {indicate group or individual, e.g., children, veterans, caregivers, etc | Music therapy is acceptable wording in Class 44; further s More > |
32373 | 第44类 | 044-2246 | 针对{表示小组或个人,例如儿童,退伍军人,看护者等等的综合舞蹈,动作和音乐疗法} | Integrated dance, movement and music therapy for {indicate group or individual, e.g., chil | Integrated dance, movement and music therapy is acceptable More > |
32374 | 第44类 | 044-2247 | 为{表示团体或个人,例如儿童,退伍军人,看护者等等)提供舞蹈,音乐和运动的治疗干预服务} | Therapeutic intervention services incorporating dance, music, and movement for {indicate g | Therapeutic intervention services incorporating dance, mus More > |
32455 | 第44类 | 044-2248 | 针对{指示小组或个人,例如儿童,退伍军人,看护者等等的综合舞蹈和音乐疗法} | Integrated dance and musical therapy for {indicate group or individual, e.g., children, ve | Integrated dance and music therapy is acceptable wording i More > |
32456 | 第44类 | 044-2249 | 对遭受过暴力虐待的儿童综合运用舞蹈,运动和音乐进行创伤治疗 | Trauma therapy utilizing integrated dance, movement and music for children exposed to viol | Trauma therapy is acceptable wording in Class 44; further More > |
32457 | 第44类 | 044-225 | 辅以体力劳动的心理治疗,即肌筋膜物理治疗技术 | Psychotherapy complemented by body work, namely, myofascial physical therapy techniques | 09-05-2013: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” example. |
32458 | 第44类 | 044-2250 | 兽医服务,即{表示具体的服务,如口腔外科手术,动物安乐死等} | Veterinary services, namely, {indicate the specific services, e.g., oral surgery, euthanas | |
32459 | 第44类 | 044-2251 | 兽医脊椎推拿服务 | Veterinary chiropractic services | |
32460 | 第44类 | 044-2252 | {表示预期患者,例如儿童,慢性疾病患者,动物等}的脊椎指压治疗服务} | Chiropractic services for {indicate intended patients, e.g., children, individuals with ch | Chiropractic services is acceptable wording in Class 44; f More > |
32461 | 第44类 | 044-2253 | 激光嫩肤服务 | Laser skin rejuvenation services | |
32462 | 第44类 | 044-2254 | 激光紧肤服务 | Laser skin tightening services | |
32463 | 第44类 | 044-2255 | 与医疗成像设备的使用和操作有关的医疗成像领域的咨询服务,包括X射线,计算机断层扫描,磁共振成像,超声波扫描检查和正电子发射断层摄影装置 | Consulting services in the field of medical imaging regarding the use and operation of med | 04-04-2013: This entry of 10-19-2006 was modified from “Me More > |
32464 | 第44类 | 044-2256 | 提供一个互联网网站,向宠物主人介绍关于动物健康和动物行为的信息 | Providing an internet website featuring information for pet owners relating to animal heal | |
32465 | 第44类 | 044-2257 | 医疗保健服务,即{指定提供的医疗服务类型,例如老年保健,物理治疗等} | Health care services, namely, {specify the type of health care services provided, e.g., ge | 01-16-2014: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” exa More > |
32466 | 第44类 | 044-2258 | {指示病症或疾病,例如语言障碍,乳腺癌,不育症等}的医疗评估 | Medical evaluation of {indicate condition or disease, e.g., speech disorders, breast cance | |
32467 | 第44类 | 044-2259 | {指示病症或疾病,例如语言障碍,乳腺癌,不育症等}的医学诊断和治疗} | Medical diagnosis and treatment of {indicate condition or disease, e.g., speech disorders, | “Medical diagnosis of {indicate condition or disease, e.g. More > |
32468 | 第44类 | 044-226 | 医学放射学服务 | Medical radiology services | |
32469 | 第44类 | 044-2260 | {指示病症或疾病,例如语言障碍,乳腺癌,不育症等}的医学诊断} | Medical diagnosis of {indicate condition or disease, e.g., speech disorders, breast cancer | “Medical diagnosis of {indicate condition or disease, e.g. More > |
32470 | 第44类 | 044-2261 | {指示病症或疾病,例如语言障碍,乳腺癌,不育症等}的医学治疗} | Medical treatment of {indicate condition or disease, e.g., speech disorders, breast cancer | “Medical diagnosis of {indicate condition or disease, e.g. More > |
32471 | 第44类 | 044-2262 | 说话和语言治疗服务 | Speech and language therapy services | |
32472 | 第44类 | 044-2263 | 针对确诊为自闭症,精神健康障碍,言语障碍等疾病的青年设置的夏令营放松疗法 | Therapeutic summer camps for youth diagnosed with {indicate condition or disease, e.g., au | |
32473 | 第44类 | 044-2264 | 语音和声音障碍治疗服务 | Voice and sound therapy services | |
32474 | 第44类 | 044-2265 | 通过{通过电话,在线聊天,电子邮件等指定}进行兽医咨询 | Veterinary consultations provided via {specify, e.g., telephone, online chat, e-mail, etc. | These services are in Class 44 as they encompass consultat More > |