第三十五类 广告、商业管理、市场营销


第三十五类主要包括由个人或组织提供的服务,其主要目的在于: (1)商业企业的经营或管理进行帮助; (2)工商企业的业务活动或者商业职能的管理进行帮助; 以及由广告部门为各种商品或服务提供的服务,旨在通过各种传播方式向公众进行广告宣传。 本类尤其包括: ——为他人将各种商品(运输除外)归类,以便顾客浏览和购买;这种服务可由零售商店、批发商店、自动售货机、邮购目录或借助电子媒介提供,例如通过网站或电视购物节目; ——有关注册、抄录、写作、编篡、或者书面通讯及记录系统化,以及编篡数学或者统计资料的服务; ——广告单位的服务,以及直接或邮寄散发说明书或者样品的服务;本类可涉及有关其他服务的广告,如银行借贷或无线电广告服务。 本类尤其不包括: ——与工商企业的经营或者管理无直接关系的估价和编写工程师报告的服务(查阅按字母顺序排列的服务分类表)。
编号 所属类别 商品编号 商品/服务名称 英文名称 备注
30325 第35类 035-668 用于商业目的的组织服务 Organizational services for business purposes
30326 第35类 035-2234 用于商业目的的组织服务,即组织{指示业务需要的区域,例如办公场所,业务时间表等} Organizational services for business purposes, namely, organizing {indicate area of busine On 09-14-2017, the 11-03-2011 entry “Organizational servic More >
30327 第35类 035-1398 商务会谈的代理机构 Organization of business conventions
30328 第35类 035-1574 为商业,促销和广告目的组织活动,展览,展览和展览 Organization of events, exhibitions, fairs and shows for commercial, promotional and adver
30329 第35类 035-2122 为商业或广告目的组织展览 Organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes On 5-26-2011, this 6-4-2009 entry was deleted because it i More >
30330 第35类 035-1787 为商业和广告目的组织展览和展览 Organization of fairs and exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes
30331 第35类 035-1626 为商业和广告目的组织交易会 Organization of fairs for commercial and advertising purposes
30332 第35类 035-2323 为商业目的组织时装表演 Organization of fashion shows for commercial purposes
30333 第35类 035-2865 为促销目的组织时装表演 Organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes
30334 第35类 035-2861 为商业或广告目的组织交易会 Organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes
30335 第35类 035-1272 组织和举办慈善拍卖慈善筹款活动 Organizing and conducting charity auctions for charitable fundraising purposes
30336 第35类 035-219 组织和举办招聘会 Organizing and conducting job fairs
30337 第35类 035-2510 组织和举办宣传书展 Organizing and conducting promotional book fairs
30338 第35类 035-2526 组织和发展慈善项目,旨在{表明目的,例如改善移民的生活,提高对乳腺癌早期治疗的认识等。} Organizing and developing charitable projects that aim to {indicate purpose, e.g., improve These services are in Class 35 because the service of orga More >
30339 第35类 035-1963 组织和指导一个国际标记和重新捕获服务,用于标记,识别,定位和研究标记的{表示特定的动物或类别,例如鱼类,鸟类等} Organizing and directing an international tagging and recapture service for tagging, ident
30400 第35类 035-1482 组织商业博览会{表示特定的商业或广告目的} Organizing business expositions for {indicate particular commercial or advertising purpose
30401 第35类 035-2587 组织{领域,如知识产权法,总承包,全球营销等领域的商业交流活动} Organizing business networking events in the field of {indicate field, e.g., intellectual
30402 第35类 035-2669 组织“{指示具体的组,例如摩托车,跳伞,阅读书籍等等}俱乐部的章节并促进其成员的兴趣 Organizing chapters of a {indicate specific group, e.g., motorcycle, sky diving, book read
30403 第35类 035-1275 为商业或广告目的组织展览 Organizing exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes
30404 第35类 035-204 为{展示特定商业或广告目的}组织展览 Organizing exhibitions for {indicate particular commercial or advertising purpose}
30405 第35类 035-1517 组织,推介和举办有关古玩和收藏品的展位和展览 Organizing, promoting and conducting exhibitions and tradeshows for business purposes feat
30406 第35类 035-1518 为商业目的组织,推广和举办展览,展会和活动 Organizing, promoting and conducting exhibitions, tradeshows and events for business purpo
30407 第35类 035-1193 组织志愿者活动和实地考察,让学生了解州政府,立法程序和与成年人的互动 Organizing volunteer activities and field trips to allow students to learn about state gov
30408 第35类 035-669 组织选民登记活动 Organizing voter registration drives
30409 第35类 035-2182 户外广告 Outdoor advertising
30410 第35类 035-1324 户外广告服务,即租用广告空间,为他人准备和放置广告 Out-of-home advertising services, namely, rental of advertising space, and preparing and p
30411 第35类 035-2563 外包业务分析领域的服务提供商 Outsource service provider in the field of business analytics Business analytics involves analyzing business data and st More >
30412 第35类 035-2838 外包业务管理领域的服务提供商 Outsource service provider in the field of business management
30413 第35类 035-2839 {表示业务类型,例如医院,饭店等的业务管理领域的外包服务提供商} Outsource service provider in the field of business management of {indicate type of busine Outsource service provider in the field of business manage More >
30414 第35类 035-2542 在包含邮购或配送库存的配送中心或仓库设施的业务运营和管理领域外包服务提供商 Outsource service provider in the field of business operation and management of a distribu On 07-18-2013, the 12-25-2008 entry was modified by deleti More >
30415 第35类 035-2547 客户关系管理领域的外包服务提供商 Outsource service provider in the field of customer relationship management Outsourcing services involve arranging of service contract More >
30416 第35类 035-1191 外包服务[商业协助] Outsourcing services [business assistance] 07-18-2013 'Outsourcing services [business assistance]' ap More >
30417 第35类 035-2545 外包服务,即为他人安排货物采购 Outsourcing services in the nature of arranging procurement of goods for others Outsourcing services involve arranging of service contract More >
30418 第35类 035-2543 外包服务的性质是在{表示货物,例如计算机硬件和软件,办公设备和家具等领域为他人安排货物采购。 Outsourcing services in the nature of arranging procurement of goods for others in the fie Outsourcing services in the nature of arranging procuremen More >
30419 第35类 035-2551 外包服务,即为他人安排服务合同 Outsourcing services in the nature of arranging service contracts for others Outsourcing services involve arranging of service contract More >
30480 第35类 035-2544 外包服务的性质是在{指示服务,如食物准备,医疗账单,信息技术等领域为他人安排服务合同} Outsourcing services in the nature of arranging service contracts for others in the field Outsourcing services in the nature of arranging service co More >
30481 第35类 035-2013 糕点和甜点店 Pastry and dessert shops
30482 第35类 035-2012 糕点店 Pastry shops
30483 第35类 035-2502 病人关系管理服务 Patient relationship management services Patient relationship management is a health care industry More >
30484 第35类 035-2613 按点击付费广告 Pay per click advertising
30485 第35类 035-1438 按点击付费(PPC)广告管理服务 Pay per click (PPC) advertising management services
30486 第35类 035-1772 工资管理和管理服务 Payroll administration and management services
30487 第35类 035-490 编制工资单 Payroll preparation
30488 第35类 035-1262 工资核算处理服务 Payroll processing services
30489 第35类 035-1838 为商业目的进行人格测试 Personality testing for business purposes
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